Hey Luke Beseda, great article. Really appreciate you posting. Quick perspective then question/s.
In business we typically value what we measure. We don’t necessarily measure what we value. Realise we could dive down a rabbit hole on this. Happy to, but maybe best to leave it and focus on the below (for now).
I think we can all agree time is immensely valuable. How we spend it really matters. But is this is this the magic metric? It feels to me like we could strive for more… As an example, we hire new people when our current model runs out of leverage. We need new people to create more leverage (do more, achieve more, whatever). As a result, it feels to me that a prioritised (not magic) metric should be related to the additional leverage the new team member delivers. After all, isn’t that why we’re hired them (for their impact)?
Keen to get your perspective.