Amit Jain, really great points. Thank you for taking the time. I think yourself, Rob Tapella, Wim Postman and I can all at least agree on one thing — the value of good user research and user experience design process. The output of this (ideally iterative) process is the foundation for how we understand what to build, for who, and when. Whether this is user stories, job stories, customer journey maps, user journey mapping or something different entirely, is less improtant than the work that feeds these outcomes.
I mentioned to Rob I wasn’t “condemning” using stories per se, but rather highlighting some very specific flaws I’d seen (and still see regularly) in practice.
I’d be really interested to see some more tangible/practical explanations of your approach/process. It sounds really solid to me, but it’d be great to get some deeper insight into what you’ve learned executing such a process.
As a final point, I’m a big fan of JP. I was introduced to User Story Mapping around the time the book was written in mid-2014, and a program I was working on at the time began utilising this method pretty quickly. I definitely think there’s an opportunity to feed some of this value into the context of our process.
Thanks again.